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一、单选题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

1.In 1917, the Canadian government introduced conscription, which resulted in bitter resentment in the French-speaking _______ province.



C.Nova Scotia

D.British Columbia


2.What are the original inhabitants of Canada now called?

A.The Indians

B.The First Nations

C.The Eskimos


3.Which of the following statements was correct around the time of the American Revolution?

A.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with blacks

B.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans with American Indians

C.The American had the mixed blood of Europeans or their descendants

D.The American had the blood of the English and their descend


4.Jazz music, which refers to a new blend of folk music, work chants, spirituals, marches, and even European classical music, which originated in ________.

A.an American city called New Orleans

B.Rome, Italy

C.London, Britain


5.Which of the following games is played in a “ballpark”?





6.The following were some of the characteristics of Protestantism except ___________.

A.salvation through the church

B.salvation through faith

C.establishing a direct contact with God

D.challenging the authority of the Pope


7.Which of the following cities has the largest Chinese community in Canada?



C.San Francisco


8.The instrument used in jazz music for sounding out melodies is _________.





9.Lord Baltimore’s feudal plan failed because ___________.

A.the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible

B.there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland

C.there was plenty of land while labor was scarce

D.the English king did not like the plan


10.Alexander Hamilton was 。

A.The first president of the USA

B.The first Secretary of Treasury of the USA


二、判断题 (共 10 道试题,共 50 分)

11.The death blow to the Irish language was Ireland's accession to the EU.


12.The individual honored as “The Australia of the Year” is often a successful sporting hero.


13.Ireland is situated in the extreme northwest of Europe.


14.The long wool boom helped to increase the population of Australia significantly.


15.After World WarⅠ, many novelists produced literary works of disillusionment. Some of them lived abroad and were known as the“Beat Generation”.


16.In 1863, the United States created a truly national banking system with a standard paper currency.


17.The invention of television marked the beginning of “The Age of Visual Information”.


18.The Adirondack Mountains, located mainly in the state of New York, contains some of the oldest rocks in the world.


19.It was believed before 1980s that the government should play the central role in the promotion and maintenance of the social prosperity.


20.It was Thomas Alva Edison who invented Phonograph.

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