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西交《英语3 新录》FAQ(四)


Fortune一般用词,指由机会或福气来决定的一种福气,如表示一种比fate 好的福气或一种高兴的将来。 Fate较肃穆用词,多指不幸的福气,表示弗成避免,令人害怕某人的意志无法改变,宿命论色彩较浓。

Luck 为一般用语, 表示”福气”,用于非正式场合,特别是书面语中。可指好运或坏运,但特指好运。

Destiny 一般用词,侧重过后注定的福气,对将来福气的美好憧憬。

It’s your first day to school. Good Luck!

The old lady had the good Fortune to be free from illness all her life.

Are you willing to let your life be controlled by Destiny?

Fate prevented them from ever meeting again.


1. 疑问词whatever/ whoever/ however/whenever等既可能领导名词性从句,也可能领导让步状语从句,而no matter+疑问词只能领导让步状语从句

总体法则:whatever/whoever等词的利用范畴比no matter what/who等要广

No matter what happens, he will not mind. (√) 让步状语从句(用逗号隔开)

= Whatever happens, he will not mind. (√) 让步状语从句

No matter what you say is very important. (×)

Whatever you say is very important. (√) 主语从句(名词性从句)

I believe whatever he says. Whatever he says, I will never believe him.

2.who与 whoever的差别

who是“谁”whoever相称于anyone who“无论谁”

Whoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights.

Can you tell me who that gentleman is?


What impressed me most was her excellent performance.

What we can’t get seems better than what we have.

What seems beneficial to us may be unfavorable for others.

7. 留神辨别it… that…

主语从句it指代句中that领导的内容(平日较长),去掉落It is/was, that,句子不成破 夸大句句型:It is/was+被夸大部分+that, 去掉落It is/was, that,句子仍然成破。

It is natural that they should have different views. 主语从句

It is known to all that the earth is round.主语从句

It is only lately that he has had a family himself. 夸大句

What was it that he wanted? I don’t know what it was that he wanted. 夸大句

It was in the hotel where he stayed that we discussed the serious problem 夸大句

8. 连词whether跟 if偶然可能调换,但留神下列情况


(1)前面呈现or not时,用whether

I want to know whether or not they will come.

(2 ) 连接词后直接加不定式,不克不及用if只能用whether

He doesn’t know whether to stay or not.

(3 )whether可能防句首,而if不克不及

Whether he will come, I am not sure.

It is uncertain if he will leave for Beijing tomorrow. (√)(if可领导主语从句) If he will leave forBeijingtomorrow is uncertain. (×)

Whether he will leave forBeijingtomorrow is uncertain. (√)

(4 ) 表语从句中只能用whether

The doubt is whether he will come.

(5 ) 同位语中只能用whether

The question whether he is honest is not settled.

(6 ) 介宾从句中只能用whether ; 动宾从句则if 跟whether都可用 He was interested in whether he saw her there.

I don’t know if/ whether he is at home.

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