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Answer the following questions in English. (20 points for each)
1. What is the theme expressed in Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18”?
2. What does the image “lamb” stand for in William Blake’s poem “The Lamb”?
3. How to describe the characteristics of M福师答案请进:opzy.net或请联系微信:1095258436rs. Bennet in the novel Pride and Prejudice?
4. Who is the narrator in Edgar Allan Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado? What wrong does he want to redress?
5. In Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, do you think Gatsby deserves to be called “the great” person? Why/ Why not?

未经允许不得转载:奥鹏作业网 » 福建师范大学2023年秋季课程考试《英美文学选读》作业考核试题【标准答案】

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