

可做奥鹏国开全部院校作业论文!答案请添加qq:599792888 或 微信:1095258436


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.What is your belief?

When you meet some difficulties, what makes you strong? Give us a concrete example.


2.Do you often go to the beauty salon?

Do you think Beauty salon can make people more beautiful?



一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.Do you want to immigrate to some other foreign countries? Which country would you like to go?

Why do you want to immigrate to other countries?




2.Do you have some friends that you haven’t met for a long time?

Is he or she a very good friend of you?

Did you meet some friends that you haven’t seen each other for ages?

How do you feel when you meet them again?

奥鹏北语答案q599792222 或请进 opzy.net


一、问答题 ( 每题50分, 共2道小题, 总分值100分 )

1.Do you like travelling?

Where is the place that you think most interesting? Why?



2.Direction:You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese. 1、建议报考的专业及理由; 2、报考该专业的基本条件; 3、应当如何备考。(50分

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