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1. 停止时的主动语态

1)现在停止时的主动语态构造:主语+be (am, is, are)+being+动词早年分词

从行停止时的主动语态的构造:主语+be (was, were)+being+动词早年分词

(1)This high rate of infection is being blamed on the appalling hygiene conditions.人们责备极差的卫生状况形成了如此高的感染率。

(2)Five new patients were being admitted when he arrived.当他达到的时间,五名新病人在接收急诊。

(3)The wards were being cleaned by the new staff all day yesterday.昨天一整天,新的员工在打扫病房。

2)停止时主动语态的疑问句构造:(疑问词 +)be + 主语 + being + 动词早年分词

(1)Were 200 people being treated?

(2)Where were 200 people being treated?

(3)How many patients were being admitted when he arrived? (对主语发问,be动词不前置)

(4)Who is being examined by the doctors now? (对主语发问,be动词不前置)

2. 直接引语

2.1 直接引语跟直接引语的差别


(1)直接引语: He said, “My head aches and I feel very sick.”

(2)直接引语: He said that his head ached and he felt sick.

2.2 直接引语变成直接引语的一些规矩


am/is – was

are – were

have/has – had

can/can’t – could/couldn’t

do – did

don’t/doesn’t – didn’t

(2)现在停止时要改为从行停止时。be going to这个构造要用was going to, were going to。

1)They said they were worried because their daughter suffered from asthma.

2)He said that they didn’t want the lunch because they were on a special diet.

3)She said she was cleaning the house.

4)He told me he was going to the US and he couldn’t find his passport.


was – had been

didn’t eat – hadn’t eaten奥鹏地大答案请进:opzy.net或请联系微信:1095258436

1)”I was ill on the flight,” he said.

He said he had been ill on the flight.

2)She said, “The man in the next seat didn’t feel very well so he went to the toilet, but he still hasn’t come back.”

She told me the man in the next seat hadn’t felt very well so he had gone to the toilet, but he hadn’t come back.


1)She said, “I left my mobile phone at the check-in desk in London. I want to notify them as soon as possible.”

She said that she had left her mobile phone at the check-in desk in London. She wanted to notify them as soon as possible.

2)”We are worried because our daughter suffers from asthma. She didn’t take her medicine before the flight,” they said.

They said they were worried because their daughter suffered from asthma. She hadn’t taken her medicine before the flight.

3)He said, “I didn’t sleep well before the flight and I can’t sleep now. I need a sleeping pill.”

He said he hadn’t slept well before the flight and he couldn’t sleep now. He needed a sleeping pill.

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